Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Opp Bonfire

Thursday, October 27th AHS held its annual bonfire to get students excited and ready to "Bop Opp!" I had a great time! This year's bonfire was so much fun (we didn't have a bonfire last year, but it was definitely better than the one two years ago!) I felt the heat and the excitement burning on my skin. Mrs. Shellhouse was in a very good mood, so we got to play many of our favorite songs. There was one point during the event, that I felt very connected to the past traditions of Andalusia High School. Right after the band played the "Hey Song," the cheerleaders led the student body in my favorite cheer, "Right On!" It was at this second that I felt the energy and traditions of "Old Andalusia!" I finally felt like our class had woven its place into the colorful cloth of the Traditions of The Andalusia High School!

Word Count: 153

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