Well I interrupt my blog posts about the Europe trip to blog about my senior Homecoming before I forget! Every Homecoming at Andalusia High School is filled with long lasting traditions, and Homecoming 2012 was no exception. This year we had exceptional floats, skit/assembly/ pregame, and football game. The week consists of lots of hard work, but also with a lot of fun. Many students spent many long hours during the night rolling yards (a tradition started in the late 80s). I however, spent most of my spare time (not that I had much) working on the skit, assembly, and the floats. The theme for the Homecoming Parade this year was decades (I was actually the one to come up with this idea.) The Senior class float theme was the 1960s: The Beatles's Yellow Submarine. We had a huge, yellow, hippie submarine filled with many bright colors. Our catch phrase was "Sink the Hornets." We did not beat the Juniors, who did the 70s "Friday Night Fever" complete with a disco ball and a moving John Travolta, but we did manage to build the best float of our high school career. We had a great time working on it as a class. The skit coordinated perfectly with our "decades" theme; the skit theme was Happy Days. I played Ritchie Cunningham, Catherine Grace Searcy was Jonnie Cunningham, Jessica Park was Pinkie Tuscadero, and Austin Shirey was Fonzie. We were on a quest to see if "Happy Days" still existed in High School. We traveled to the classes of 1972, 1982, 1992, and 2002. This years couples dance to Rock Around the Clock was the best ever! Also we had a very special finale which included a salute to our country! My favorite skit was the 1982 skit. I helped to write it; I loved the scene from Johnnie's Disco where Johnnie and Cindy Harper started screaming and shooting at each other! Mrs. Thompson said that this was the best Homecoming skit ever! I was very excited when she said that!! The parade that afternoon was just great. The rush of excitement as we marched past the spirited townspeople was unlike anything I had ever felt before. However, many people were upset that the football team wore black uniforms and the band wore black shirts; I agree with them, but some people just blow it out of proportion. I was glad that Susie Watson got Homecoming Queen; I just knew she would. Senior Maid was Omarrie McGee. Other senior members of the court were Jessica Park, Adrianna Carpenter, and Samantha Hill. Junior Maid was Pierre Johnson. Junior attendants were Raegan Eiland, Olivia Dixon, Morgan Dove, and Jennifer Botta. Josh Atkinson and I shared the responsibility of pregame. Mrs. Jones said that the timing was perfect and that it was the best pregame we had had in years. Our halftime show went well. We played "Strike Up The Band" to honor Mr. Johnny Vinson. Our Bulldogs beat Bullock County 44-9. I rushed home and got ready so I could have plenty of time at the dance. Chad Hughes dj'ed so the music was horrible, but we still had a good time. Afterwards, Hunter Albritton had her annual Homecoming Breakfast, the perfect ending to the perfect Homecoming.